Slackel 7.0 "Live Openbox"

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Re: Slackel 7.0 "Live Openbox"

Post by djemos »

It should also be noted here that all the above concern upgrading from Slackel 6.x to Slackel 7. They have nothing to do with a fresh Slackel 7 installation, so they should not be posted in this thread. I apologize for that.
There is no problem. :)

About slackware entries. Can you look at /etc/default/grub There cp over grub
Also edit grub and see if this line exist and is like this
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="Slackel $(sed -e 's/^Slackware //' /etc/slackware-version)"

Also after a kernel upgrade run also

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sudo lsb_release-update
which updates the DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION in /etc/lsb-release

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cat /etc/lsb-release 
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION='Slackel Linux 4.9.28'
This is used from grub-update
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Re: Slackel 7.0 "Live Openbox"

Post by bsd4me »

djemos, is this the latest dvd? Just curious how it will work for fresh install and upgrading.
Or, which steps to follow for upgrading with this dvd?

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Re: Slackel 7.0 "Live Openbox"

Post by djemos »

No it is not the latest dvd. Since so many updates happen to slackware current, it is not worth to create a new dvd since after while it will be need to create another one. I will make one at some time later.
For now, you can install the live-dvd. And then do a

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sudo slapt-get -u
Next install aaa_base package read this viewtopic.php?f=4&t=538
and next glibc, to be sure to not break your system can do a

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sudo  slapt-get -i glibc -d
to just download and not install it and then go to init 1 and run
sudo upgradepkg --reinstall /var/slapt-get/slackware64/l/glibc-*
Next go to init 3 or 4 again and upgrade first the slapt-get

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sudo slapt-get -i slapt-get
then run

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sudo slapt-get --upgrade
to upgrade the rest packages.
Also be sure to read the changelog and look for packages have been added or removed. Be sure to install them also. I tried to update the dependencies so these new packages will be downloaded.
You can try these in vmware or virtual-box and then proceed to a real hard disk installation.
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Re: Slackel 7.0 "Live Openbox"

Post by bsd4me »

Thank you very much djemos. I will reply with how the process went, when I can get on the laptop to install Slackel :)
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Re: Slackel 7.0 "Live Openbox"

Post by bsd4me »

I had to upgrade openssl after upgrading slapt-get, then I could run sudo slapt-get --upgrade

Then I got a Segmentation fault when trying to download libreoffice 6.0.3-x86_64-1dj

Now what?
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Re: Slackel 7.0 "Live Openbox"

Post by djemos »

You have to install glibc, glibc-zoneinfo,glibc-i18n, glibc-profile. If you cannot using slapt-get then download it with wget and install it with upgradepkg. There are also new packages like openssl10 which have been installed with slapt-get. Also menson package need to installed.

I will try this weekend to do an installation of live iso in vmware and an upgrade, to write a howto about upgrading slackel-7.0 to latest.
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Re: Slackel 7.0 "Live Openbox"

Post by bsd4me »

Oh, ok. I did the glibc, but not the others. Missed those.
Thank you for your help :)

I finally got my system upgraded.
I had to download libreoffice, libreoffice-help-en, and openjre. Libreoffice wouldn't upgrade via slapt-get or spkg so I removed libreoffice and then installed the new libreoffice packages. I was able to upgrade openjre.
I then installed meson.
Then I installed the new kernel*

I also installed gnucash :)
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Re: Slackel 7.0 "Live Openbox"

Post by djemos »

How to upgrade Slackel-7.0 after live-dvd installation to latest slackware-current

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sudo slapt-get -i -d aaa_base glibc glibc-i18n glibc-zoneinfo
sudo upgradepkg --reinstall /var/slapt-get/slackware/a/aaa_base-*.txz
sudo upgradepkg --reinstall /var/slapt-get/slackware/l/glibc-*
sudo upgradepkg --reinstall /var/slapt-get/slackware/a/glibc-zoneinfo-*.txz
sudo slapt-get -i  openssl libunistring slapt-get curl libidn2 meson tcl tk python3 gpgme cyrus-sasl libassuan libgpg-error hostname
sudo slapt-get --upgrade
Run again to upgrade package aaa_elflibs.

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sudo slapt-get --upgrade
remove any stale .la files from the LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

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rm /{,usr/}lib{,64}/*.la
Kernel upgrade for 32 bit

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sudo slapt-get -i kernel-firmware kernel-headers kernel-huge kernel-huge-smp kernel-modules kernel-modules-smp kernel-source
sudo update-grub
Kernel upgrade for 64bit

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sudo slapt-get -i kernel-firmware kernel-headers kernel-huge kernel-modules kernel-source
sudo update-grub
Do not forget to run sudo update-grub before reboot otherwize system will not boot.
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Re: Slackel 7.0 "Live Openbox"

Post by djemos »

bsd4me wrote:Oh, ok. I did the glibc, but not the others. Missed those.
Thank you for your help :)

I finally got my system upgraded.
I had to download libreoffice, libreoffice-help-en, and openjre. Libreoffice wouldn't upgrade via slapt-get or spkg so I removed libreoffice and then installed the new libreoffice packages. I was able to upgrade openjre.
I then installed meson.
Then I installed the new kernel*

I also installed gnucash :)
slapt-get need openssl new version to run.
So download openssl-1.1.0h-*-2.txz from n group of packages in current and install it. then slapt-get will run fine.
About libreoffice, openjre, package curl and maybe libidn2 need to be installed. Then libreoffice, openjre updated with slapt-get.
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Re: Slackel 7.0 "Live Openbox"

Post by bsd4me »

Thanks djemos.
System is upgraded.
Retired at home in Alaska for now.
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